
Installer Espt Pph Badan
Installer Espt Pph Badan

Go into your account in .Software Pendukung ODBC (Database) x86 32 Bit Cara Membuat ODBC 32 Bit SAP Crystal Report 32 Bit versi 13.0.7 SAP Crystal Report 64 Bit versi 13.0.7 Access Runtime 2007 Access Runtime Access Runtime.Sign the form and scan all the documents such as 1721 into.Lapor SPT > lapor data SPT ke KPP to create.Lapor SPT > Menu Cetakan to print your tax return.Part Kuasa, click Wajib Pajak if you’re signing the form yourself.Part G, Click A if you only attach 1721.Part F, skip this part if your status is 0 / NIHIL.Part E, in field number 16, you should see 0 (NIL/NIHIL).

Installer Espt Pph Badan

Part D, in field number 12, you should see the number the same as your filled in Lampiran I part C.When it’s available to be edited, fill the field with your PPh Pasal 21 Terutang in form 1721. Part C, the yellow field number 9 is automatically generated but can be changed by clicking Menggunakan Perhitungan Sendiri check box.Part B, fill your status as stated in your tax withholding slip 1721.Identity part: fill your job (Pekerjaan) – Pegawai Swasta / 96304, Fill your Phone number, choose KK for tax status.

Installer Espt Pph Badan

  • Part C, complete this part as your Tax withholding slip 1721 from your company (It should state your net income and your tax within a year that taxed already)Lampiran I.
  • Part B, complete if you have any non tax object income,.
  • Part A, complete if you have any other income aside from your employers such non-bank interest, royalty, etc.
  • Menu Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) > 1770S >.
  • Part D, complete the part by inserting your family information1770S > Lampiran II.
  • Part C, complete the part by inserting your liabilities / debts per 31 December 2018.
  • Part B, complete the part by inserting your asset list per 31 December 2018.
  • Part A, complete any income related to final tax.
  • Menu Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) > Buat SPT Baru > Jenis SPT Tahunan OP 1770 S > Tahun Pajak 2018 > Pembetulan ke- 0.
  • Set non-taxable income in utility > PTKP > fill as following:.
  • Connect to database in menu > koneksi database.
  • Installer Espt Pph Badan Installer Espt Pph Badan

    Open the application after setup and patch are installed.Fill your tax return in the application:.Download and install setupand patch for e-SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi (electronic Individual Income Tax Return) at.Year (January – December) and obligated to file their their SPT Tahunan PPh For taxpayers who worked in less than 12 months on 1 tax

    Installer Espt Pph Badan